The population of the Czech Republic has declined: more people died and moved away

In the first three quarters of the year, 102 932 people died in the Czech Republic, up by a fifth year-on-year. The country’s population, therefore, fell to 10.68 million people. At the beginning of the year, the Czech Republic had 10.7 million inhabitants. Migration also impacted the decline, with more people moving out of the Czech Republic. This is according to the Czech Statistical Office (CSO) data.

“During the first quarter of this year, the population of the Czech Republic declined due to a high number of deaths. On the other hand, the second quarter was generally incremental, and the population was higher in the middle of the year than at the beginning. However, the negative balance of foreign migration in the third quarter brought the number back down to 10.68 million as of September 30, ” said Michaela Němečková from the CSO’s Demographic Statistics Department.

The highest number of total deaths was recorded in the first quarter (13,800 to 16,800 per month), while the lowest was recorded in June to September (8,600 to 8,900 per month).

In terms of five-year age groups, people aged 75 to 79 reported the highest number of deaths, while the same period in 2020 saw the highest number of deaths among people aged 85-89.

The Czech Republic has faced a coronavirus epidemic for the last few years. Since it began, nearly 35 000 people have died connected to it. Year on year, a total of 84,700 children were born, 500 more than a year earlier. There were also more marriages compared to last year, with just under 40 000 people getting married. Even so, this is still 8.3 thousand fewer than in 2019. 15.7 thousand couples went through a divorce.