The Silent Revolution: Plzeň to Tone Down Fireworks

The city of Plzeň in the Czech Republic has taken a significant step towards reducing animal welfare and noise pollution. The city has decided to shift to silent fireworks for its public events, which safeguard the well-being of animals, seniors, children, and families who might be particularly sensitive to the loud noise and explosions typical of traditional fireworks.

The first silent fireworks were tested on October 28 during the city’s celebrations. The same approach will be used to inaugurate the Christmas markets and the New Year’s events. Mayor Roman Zarzycký hailed the new approach as a friendly solution that will please pyrotechnic enthusiasts while being considerate to the city’s inhabitants.

According to Karel Makoň from the Plzeň animal rescue station, this is a step in the right direction. While he argued that ideally, fireworks should be abolished entirely, they should be silent if they must be held. He highlighted that animals are susceptible to the loud sounds produced during fireworks. He added that every year after New Year’s Eve, they have to deal with many dead or injured animals.

The central district, which organizes the traditional New Year’s fireworks, also plans to make them silent. This decision is seen as a compromise that most citizens will welcome. Mayor David Procházka has negotiated the same measure with the operator of the Christmas markets in the main square of the Republic.

Despite the positive developments, there remains a large number of people who purchase loud fireworks and set them off at home. Therefore, The city hall is considering introducing a regulation that would apply in the city center or natural areas, currently being examined by lawyers.