Traffic changes in 2022: overtaking cyclists at 1.5 meters and banning beer bikes

As of the New Year, some changes will come into force as part of the amendments to the Road Traffic Act and the Road Traffic Act. Among other things, the long-debated rule on cyclists’ overtaking will come into force, and municipalities can now initiate the towing of car wrecks.

Dedicated lanes

City and municipal police will fine offenders related to the unauthorized use of a dedicated lane on the spot. The aim is to strengthen control and prevent blocking of roads designated for public transport, such as buses, taxis, or police, fire, and rescue vehicles.

Parking for the disabled

In addition to the fine, unauthorized parking in a space reserved for disabled people or misuse of a disabled person’s parking permit will now result in the loss of two points in the drivers’ points.

Overtaking cyclists

When overtaking a cyclist, the driver will be required to maintain safe lateral separation of at least 1.5 meters from the car, load, or trailer. On roads where the highest

A maximum speed of 30 km/h requires a minimum distance of at least one meter.

No beer bikes

A ban on the consumption of alcoholic beverages or other addictive substances by people actively engaged in driving (beer bikes) will apply. Beer bikes have already been banned in Prague’s city center.

Tractor license

It will also be possible to drive tractors with a Group C driving license, even abroad. The aim is to solve the problem of labor shortages in agriculture and forestry.

Towing at the suggestion of the municipality

Municipalities will now be able to initiate proceedings to remove a wreck from a publicly accessible, purpose-built road. Until now, only the owner of the road had this option.

Punishment for failure to consider

The upper limit of the fine imposed on the spot on truck drivers who refuse to submit to low-speed check weighing will be raised from CZK 30,000 to CZK 100,000. The aim is to mitigate the difference between the penalty for overloading a vehicle and refusing to submit to check weight.

Until now, it has often paid drivers to refuse to be weighed rather than to undergo the weighing and be fined for exceeding the weight limits, which is calculated according to the extent to which the limits are exceeded.