Winds and thunderstorms are expected, but meteorologists predict warm weather throughout October

Strong winds and thunderstorms will accompany the whole of October; German meteorologists predict their weather outlook for the coming days. The Focus weekly, citing the German Weather Service (DWD), writes: “There is no need to worry about a sharp cooling with low temperatures, as temperatures should remain slightly above normal.”

At the same time, the weather will be very turbulent, and we will often exchange umbrellas for sunglasses. According to German meteorologists, the weather pattern will last a few days barely. This is already evident, according to Czech meteorologist Dagmar Honsova in the first week of October.

“We alternate between mornings marked by ground frosts, temperatures of over 20 °C, sunny days, morning fog, low clouds, windy (with wind gusts of up to 90 km/h in the mountains and cloudy on the waving cold front), rain, showers, and occasional thunderstorms,” Honsová said

And that’s the kind of rock ‘n’ roll that will “dance” October for most days. In November, the weather pattern should change, and it should cool down more sharply. The mountains should see snow or mixed precipitation in early November.