Zeman met with Hamáček at Prague Castle

President Miloš Zeman had lunch with Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Jan Hamáček (ČSSD) at Prague Castle on Tuesday. They met for a regular working lunch, Czech spokesman Jiří Ovčáček mentioned.

After the meeting, Hamáček left, while Ovčáček refused to comment on the summit to journalists. In the afternoon, Zeman also had a meeting with Agriculture Minister Miroslav Toman (ČSSD), Ovčáček tweeted.

It is expected that Zeman and Hamáček discussed current political topics. They may also have discussed Monday’s government resolution on the Security Information Service (BIS) director. The cabinet of the ANO movement and the Czech Social Democratic Party (ČSSD) entrusted the current head of the civilian counterintelligence agency, Michal Koudelka, with the position of BIS director from 16 August until a new chair is appointed.

According to Prime Minister Andrej Babiš (ANO), the choice of the new director will be up to the government that emerges from the October parliamentary elections. Koudelka’s term of office ends in mid-August.

“We will not comment on the content of the negotiations at this time,” Ovčáček wrote in the afternoon.