ANO would win the election overwhelmingly

According to a STEM pre-election poll published on Thursday, the ANO movement now has the best chance of winning the election. It would win 31.1 % of the vote, while the second-place coalition, SPOLU, would have roughly 10% fewer votes.

The SPOLU coalition (ODS, TOP 09, KDU-ČSL) would garner 21.7 % of the vote, followed by the Pirates and STAN (18.7 %), SPD (11.2 %), and KSČM (5.8 %).

The CSSD (4.6%), Přísaha (3.3%) and Trikolóra with Svobodné a Soukromníky (3.1%) finished below the 5 percent threshold needed to enter the lower house.

With this result, ANO would win 76 seats, SPOLU 50, Pirates and STAN 43, SPD 22, and KSČM nine.

The survey was conducted between 9 and 12 August and was answered by 1013 Czech citizens over 18. The elections to the Chamber of Deputies will take place on 8 and 9 October.

Three groups have been fighting for the top spot in the preferences in recent months: the ruling ANO, SPOLU, and the coalition of Pirates and STAN.

According to most polls, the SPD is expected to secure the House, while the ČSSD and KSČM are on the verge of entering, and the new group Oath is close to the House gates. Meanwhile, the Tricolour with the Svobodni and the Soukromníky are only noticeably behind.

The current poll points to an already noticeable decline for the Pirates with STAN

According to STEM, this coalition is still doing well among young voters but is losing ground among middle-aged and older voters.

Previous polls had also suggested that the ANO movement had halted its decline or was even growing and that the Pirates and STAN were losing ground, but the results were more balanced.