Beer’s industry struggles after pandemic in Czech Republic

During the pandemic, theCzech-Moravian Association of Microbreweries conducted a poll that revealed that Covid-19 impacted the microbrewery industry. Yet, the members’ creativity and hard efforts enabled them to come up with innovative ways to sell and promote their products.

The worst issue for breweries was that more than fifty percent of the breweries had to pour out their production due to restaurant closures. For those breweries that were not linked to restaurants, things turned out even worse since they needed to find ways to sell their beer. During the pandemic, the Czech Association of Breweries and Maltsters estimates that the domestic brewing business lost around two million hectolitres of beer.

Michal Voldřich, the newly elected president of the Czech-Moravian Association of Microbreweries, stated, “We need to make Czech lager more famous for approaching the power of German or Belgian brewing.” People have not returned to restaurants. Therefore the pandemic’s effects on our industry will be long-term, he added.

However, analysts predict that the full consequences of the pandemic are not yet to come. People have unlearned the culture that previously existed. People have stopped consuming so much in restaurants and seem to prefer taking products home with them.

Even when they are at significant events, consumption on the site is reduced. This is evidenced by the large number of tiny taps sold. For example, one restaurant brewery that rents and sells these gadgets has already sold fifty, compared to three or four sold in the previous six months. Customers now obviously consume more beer at home.

The microbrewery industry will struggle to return to pre-pandemic levels, and there will undoubtedly be fewer small brewers soon than there were before. Unfortunately, the number of breweries going out of business is likely to continue to rise.