Czech Republic to provide CZK 75 million in humanitarian aid to Afghanistan

The Czech Republic will provide CZK 75 million in humanitarian aid to Afghanistan. The government approved this at today’s meeting. The money will go towards health care, assistance to women and children, and support for neighboring countries in the region.

The foreign ministry proposed to shift 40 million crowns to support the Afghan defense and security forces and the country’s sustainable development. The authority will also provide another five million crowns from its budget, with the remaining 30 million from the interior ministry.

The money will be distributed mainly in cooperation with the European Union and the United Nations. 20 million will go to the programs of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). They aim to stabilize and support internally displaced populations in Afghanistan and Afghan refugees in Iran, Pakistan, and Central Asian countries.

Five million less will support the United Nations Children’s Fund in Afghanistan (UNICEF) program to protect women and children from violence and respond to the coronavirus pandemic. With the remaining 10 million, the Office proposes to support the United Nations Development Fund (UNDP) program to stabilize and support livelihoods in the country.

“Current political and security developments in Afghanistan are worsening the humanitarian situation of the population there. The provision of assistance to Afghanistan has two priorities. To alleviate the humanitarian crisis and prevent illegal migration,” said Foreign Minister Jakub Kulhánek (ČSSD). “Together with our foreign partners, we are doing our utmost to ensure that the aid is not misused and goes directly to the people in need in Afghanistan. That is why we are cooperating with the UN,” he added.

Five million crowns from the Interior Ministry’s contribution will go to the primary health care program for the people of Afghanistan through the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) from the budget of the MEDEVAC Standing Medical Humanitarian Programme for this year. With CZK 25 million, the Czech Republic will support the European Union’s emerging regional initiative Team Europe for Afghanistan and neighboring countries.