From March 13th, respirators will no longer be compulsory in shops

As of March 1, the number of people at mass events will not be limited, but respirators will remain mandatory for now. But from March 13, the wearing of respirators will be abolished entirely in many places.

The relaxation of anti-epidemic measures in the Czech Republic continues. Further changes were discussed by the government today. The significant relaxation is the postponement of respirators. Respirators will remain mandatory only in public transport, health, and social facilities, and the government will still specify which mass events they will also remain mandatory.

The Ministry of Health has also negotiated with insurance companies so that every citizen-vaccinated or unvaccinated will have one free preventive PCR test in March. Testing employees in social and health services and unvaccinated visitors to these facilities will also end on March 13.

“But that doesn’t mean this makes COVID a non-fatal disease. Most EU countries have much stricter measures than we do; some even tighten them, “said Health Minister Vlastimil Válek (TOP 09).

He recalled that dozens of seniors die every day because they are unvaccinated and have comorbidities. “The number of deaths is not as high as in other countries, but in my view, it is still unnecessarily high. If they had been vaccinated, it might not have been so. Dozens of people a day means hundreds a week and tens of thousands of wasted lives a year. Just because they didn’t get vaccinated,” the minister said.