Historic Railway Bridge in Prague’s Holešovice District to be Dismantled for Modernization Project


On Saturday, April 15, the railway bridge from the end of the 19th century near the Exhibition Grounds in Prague’s Holešovice district will be removed. The Railway Administration is dismantling it because a new bridge will be built to reconstruct the section between Prague and Kladno.

The mini version of the railway bridge at Výtoň, which has recently been one of the most discussed Prague buildings, also has a lattice riveted steel structure that a crane will remove.

According to the Railway Administration’s press release, the bridge structure will be removed from the site on Sunday morning. The lower part of the bridge will then be removed. A new viaduct will be built at the site of the original bridge as part of the modernization of the section between the Bubny and Exhibition Grounds railway stations.

During the demolition work on the bridge, changes in traffic will be necessary. Dukelských hrdinů Street will be closed from April 15 to 24. Tram traffic will resume on Tuesday, April 25, but cars must wait until May 15 to return.

During the disruption, tram lines 6 and 94 between Strossmayer Square and Maniny will be diverted via Vltavská and Holešovice Market. Lines 17 and 93 will then run from Strossmayer Square to Nádraží Holešovice via Vltavská, Dělnická and Ortenovo náměstí.

The railway bridge has been serving trains in Holešovice since 1890. Its future will continue in the planned Railway and Electrotechnical Museum of the National Technical Museum in the former depot at Masaryk Railway Station.

The exhibited arch of the bridge will be one of the highlights of the museum’s collections. The removal of the historic bridge structure and its transport to the future museum area was preceded by the signing a new contract between the Railway Administration and the National Technical Museum, which involved the transfer of other technical equipment to the museum’s ownership.