MMA Fighter Karlos Vémola’s “Terminator” Mercedes Causes Fuss at Majaland Amusement Park

The Vémola family drove to a shopping center, and the employees even photographed their parking. They headed to Majaland, the largest indoor amusement park in the Czech Republic, on Wednesday afternoon. Visitors can find various attractions there, including a 220-meter-long roller coaster with a height difference of nine meters, mainly designed for the youngest.

Well-known faces didn’t cause the biggest fuss, but they arrived in a Mercedes-AMG G63 with a personalized license plate. The word “Terminator,” which MMA fighter Vémola uses, was also visible from the back.

One of the employees described the parking incident, saying, “He parked on Vémola,” and added that he wasn’t the only one taking photos of the car. “When you see a car occupying more than two spots in a half-empty parking lot, you stop and notice. There was plenty of space when I looked around, so it caught my attention,” he added.

We wanted to ask Karlos Vémola about it on Wednesday, but he didn’t respond. His phone remained silent on Thursday when we reminded him about the parking issue.

“Not only police officers but also customs officers were there, and the case concerned the breeding of large predators,” confirmed one of the three sources at that time. The matter was related to the breeding of some exotic animals. Vémoland, as the fighter’s residence is called, allows, for example, the breeding of tigers, and visitors can see small sharks, squirrels, crocodiles, and many others.

However, Vémola is primarily an excellent fighter. He is set to return to the cage in mid-April, facing Al Matavao, a former heavyweight title holder in the AFC and X-1 organizations, in Liberec.