Over 100,000 People Were Vaccinated on Thursday

On Wednesday and Thursday, almost 100,000 people were vaccinated against the covid-19. Prime Minister Andrej Babiš revealed this on Twitter. He had previously stated in mid-March that after Easter, the Czech Republic would exceed 100,000 vaccinations each day. But then there were shortages of vaccines. 

According to Health Ministry figures, the last most significant number of vaccinations per day was 98,779 on May 20. If the Prime Minister’s information about Thursday’s vaccination data is correct, the Czech Republic has administered more than five million doses of covid-19 vaccine over the whole vaccination period. 

Health officials had administered around 4.925 million doses of covid-19 vaccine since last year. Approximately 1.3 million people have received their full immunization, as most of the vaccines require two doses. Pfizer and BioNTech vaccines were used in eight of the ten doses given.