New government measures

The cabinet of Prime Minister Petr Fiala (ODS) has approved further coronavirus measures. They mainly concern quarantines and isolation or testing of employees.

From 11 January

  • The quarantine and isolation periods will be reduced to five days.
  • Vaccinated people and people up to six months after having a COVID will have to enter quarantine after risky contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus.
  • No tests will be required to end quarantines and isolations. After quarantine or isolation is complete, wearing a respirator for an additional five days will be required where contact with other people is likely. 

From 17 January

  • All employees (vaccinated and unvaccinated) will be tested twice weekly, or every three to five days, with antigen tests.
  • If they test positive, they will then go straight into quarantine for five days, even without a confirmatory PCR test.
  • This regime should work for a maximum of three weeks. The government will still decide whether it will apply for a shorter period, depending on the spread of the omicron variant.