No more mandatory testing before returning to the Czech Republic

On Saturday, 11 September, the Municipal Court in Prague annulled part of the Ministry of Health’s protective measure. It makes the return to the Czech Republic from countries with an increased risk of coronavirus infection for the unvaccinated conditional on passing a test.

According to the court, which Prague’s Poliklinika Anděl appealed, the ministry has made it a condition that only foreign medical service providers can perform the test before returning to the country. However, previously accredited laboratories were allowed to do so.

Therefore, according to the court, it is unclear which medical facilities can perform the testing and to what standards.

The court, whose verdict was highlighted by the Czech Justice server, lacked proper reasoning in the regulation and pointed out that the requirement was unclear.

“It is, therefore, appropriate for the respondent (the Ministry of Health; ed.) to reconsider properly and, taking into account the reasonable needs of travelers, to determine what quality of testing it will require on arrival from abroad,” the court said, adding that it was allowing the ministry time to remedy the situation.