North Koreans Openly Lie about Cooperation with Charles University in Czechia

Pyongyang Kim Il-sung University boasts of cooperation with Western universities. Charles University is included on the list as well. After the university found out about the list, North Korea was instructed to delete it from the list, according to Die Welt. UN sanctions prevent interaction with the North Korean government.

Czech intelligence informed Charles University of the suspicious list.

According to the university’s spokesperson, Prague was unaware of the partnership. The university has asked the North Korean institution to remove Charles University from the list. So far, North Korea has not reacted. 

“Czechoslovakia” appears in parentheses after Charles University. Bratislava’s Comenius University is also mentioned in the list. Whether or not collaboration occurred during the preceding regime cannot be known with certainty.

According to Die Welt, the Czech Foreign Ministry is watching the situation and is actively working to fix the display of fabricated cooperation. 

UN Security Council sanctions approved in 2016 significantly impede scientific interaction with North Korean organizations. This is due to concerns that sensitive information, for example on developing nuclear weapons, could be shared.