Ostrava Wants to Regulate Non-Stop Bar Traffic

Ostrava’s operators of nonstop bars, restaurants, bars, and restaurants were surprised by the information that the city is preparing a new ordinance regulating their operations. Not all establishments, but those that the city districts identify as problematic. The reason is to ensure more excellent safety and peace on Ostrava’s streets at night.

“The city management has indeed commissioned the relevant department at Ostrava City Hall to prepare a generally binding decree on the regulation of the operating hours of public houses. This was at the instigation of the mayors of Ostrava’s South and Mariánské Hory and Hulváky districts, ” Ostrava spokesman Petr Havránek confirmed.

According to the city administration, each district proposal must be very carefully justified. “Including documentation of the steps taken so far to achieve remedy by the district and the police. After the districts’ comments have been addressed, the draft ordinance will be reviewed by the Legislative and Legal Department, the City Council’s legal committee, and the council members themselves. Finally, the ordinance must be approved by the aldermen, which could be later this year, “the spokesman said.

Businesses: this is discrimination!

Owners of establishments from various districts of Ostrava unanimously point out that this is discrimination against the establishments. “I have it from hearsay so far, but they say they would order someone to close at 9 pm and not open until 6 am. So maybe we won’t be able to sell, and the neighbors will? That’s outrageous. We are not responsible for our customers who buy from us, “says the owner of one of Ostrava’s eateries.