Police are investigating psychiatrist Cimický on suspicion of rape

Petr Hloušek, Právo

Police have begun investigating the well-known Czech psychiatrist Jan Cimický. The reason for the investigation in progress is suspicions of sexual violence against women. The accusations were voiced in the media in the previous weeks after the Castle announced that Cimický would receive a state decoration. The doctor denies the allegations of women who testified that he forced them to engage in sexual practices in the past as a doctor.

“We are investigating the case on the basis of media information,” Prague police spokesman Jan Daněk said on Monday. The accusations were first made by singer and actress Jana Fabiánová, who said on social media that the doctor had sexually assaulted her in the past. The media subsequently carried testimony from other women who claimed to be victims of the psychiatrist.  

Cimický, who writes books in addition to practicing psychiatry and has been honored by the Castle of Merit, has previously denied any allegations of violence. He worked for many years at the Bohnice Psychiatric Hospital and was head of the sociotherapy and rehabilitation department there from 1981 to 1996. In 1996, he opened the Blue Lagoon mental health center, where he still works today.