Respirators will be mandatory only in transport and medical facilities

Petr Horník

Following Monday, people could put away their respirators in other places, and mandatory respiratory protection should remain only on public transport and in health and social housing facilities. The Ministry of Health will propose this to the government.

So far, respirators are also mandatory in shops or service establishments and other enclosed spaces, such as theatres, cinemas, and halls during sports matches. If the government approves the proposal, people will no longer wear them from Monday.

In the proposal, taxi vehicles or enclosed cable car cabs are also considered public transport. There will continue to be exemptions from wearing respirators on transport, for example, for pre-school children, people with intellectual or mental disabilities, hospitalized people, clients of residential social services, or public transport drivers.

The number of people infected has been steadily declining in recent weeks, and the epidemic is receding. The number of hospital admissions is also falling.