Slovak road haulers want to block more border crossings

Václav Šálek

Members of the Union of Road Hauliers of Slovakia (UNAS) have been blocking the Brodské-Břeclav motorway border crossing with the Czech Republic in the direction of Slovakia for freight traffic since Tuesday. On Wednesday, they plan to stop other border crossings with Poland and Hungary.

Road haulers are expected to block the Trstena border crossing with Poland, as well as Komárno, Slovenské Ďarmoty, Šahy, and Medvedov with Hungary. They plan to blockade freight transport at the Drietoma-Starý Hrozenkov border crossing with the Czech Republic.

The road haulers will not block passenger transport and emergency vehicles but intend to continue their protest until their demands are met. Truck queues are forming on the D2 motorway towards Slovakia on Wednesday. Passenger cars will pass through without any significant delays.

Slovak road haulers are requesting a 30% reduction in fuel excise duty for six months, as well as a similar reduction in toll rates and road tax relief.

Unlike Hungary or Poland, Slovakia has not introduced measures that would lead to cheaper fuel, for example. Because of the more affordable petrol or diesel, many people from Slovakia have already started going to petrol stations in Poland and Hungary.