Tečka might turn red on New Year’s Day

For some people vaccinated with two doses of the coronavirus vaccine, their certificates may expire as early as January 1, 2022. These include seniors or health care workers who received the vaccine first. In fact, in December, the former government approved a reduction in the certificate’s validity to nine months.

Those vaccinated in the “first wave,” who should have been vaccinated within the nine months, should therefore register for the booster dose by the end of December or use one of the vaccination centers that allow the booster dose to be administered without registration.

These include health workers, the elderly over 70, the chronically ill, or school staff vaccinated earlier this year.

If the time elapsed on January 1, 2022, since the second dose of vaccine is administered more extended than nine months, their Tečka will turn red. This will result in restrictions on attending group events, going to restaurants, or traveling.

Initially, the complete two-dose vaccination was to run until 2025. But in December, following a recommendation from the European Commission, the government approved reducing it to nine months, effective January 1, 2022.

The third dose

As of Monday, all people over 30 can be vaccinated with the booster dose five months after the second dose, following a decision by the new government. The government has thus shortened the time limit from six months to three months for younger age groups.

Different rules apply to those vaccinated with the Janssen vaccine; they can have a booster vaccination after just two months.