The President does not have to be present at the award ceremony

According to the Castle, preparations for the award ceremony on the national holiday of October 28 are in full swing. However, the participation of President Miloš Zeman is highly uncertain due to his health. Presidential spokesman Jiří Ovčáček declined to comment on Monday on the possibility of the ceremony being postponed.

Although the president is a critical figure in the ceremony, it could run without him in an extreme case. “A person authorized by the president can do the physical handover. But there are two different things here. On the one hand, to confer or bestow the award, and on the other hand, to hand it over, “constitutional lawyer Marek Antoš explained.

No one can replace the president during the signing, and the decision to award or confer the award requires the prime minister’s co-signature. However, President Zeman has already fulfilled his role at this point, according to the director of the castle’s protocol, Vladimír Krulis. Moreover, all the recipients have already been contacted. Chancellor Vratislav Mynář had previously said that the number of honorees would be similar to recent years.

Zeman awards around 40 orders and medals every year. Last year, he signed awards for 38 personalities. However, the ceremony was canceled then due to a coronavirus. Next week, it should be clear whether it will take place this year, as invitations have to be sent out in advance.

The government on Monday approved proposals for the promotion of soldiers, police officers, firefighters, customs officers, and members of the Prison Service to the rank of general. The promotion ceremony will also take place on October 28.