Vojtěch: We will cancel masks when 75 percent of the population is vaccinated

It will be possible to abolish wearing of masks when 75 percent of the population is vaccinated. Minister Adam Vojtěch (for ANO) underlined it today. Approximately 54 percent of people in the Czech Republic have been fully vaccinated.

“It will only be possible to abolish wearing masks and other measures for mass events when 75 % of the population is vaccinated against covid,” Health Minister Adam Vojtěch (ANO) said today. He estimates that this could be achieved by the end of autumn. He claimed that 54 percent of people across the country have now completed their coronavirus vaccination.

According to the president of the Czech Medical Chamber, collective immunity will be achieved when vaccination coverage reaches 85 to 90 percent.

The impact of the next wave

The Ministry of Health originally planned to achieve collective immunity by the end of August. The original target was 70 percent of those vaccinated, but due to the more contagious delta (originally Indian) mutation, the minister said it had been increased to 75 percent.

“I think that’s realistic during the fall,” he said. He emphasized the point is to convince people of the need for vaccination. Mandatory vaccination is not being considered now, the minister added.