A wooden briquette factory in the Pilsen region was on fire

Patrik Biskup

A wooden briquette factory was on fire on Sunday night in the northern Pilsen region. The building was mostly destroyed. No one was injured.

Firefighters went to the fire in the village of Lipno with the third level of alarm, which means 15 units. It was a fire in a former agricultural cooperative, which now serves as a carpentry factory. It is also connected to a residential area. According to the owner, the fire started in the sawdust storage room.

“At the time of our arrival, the building was two-thirds affected by flames. After some time, the building began to self-destruct. No one was injured, ” Miroslav Marek, the commanding officer, said.

According to him, there were cylinders in the building, which the firefighters had to secure. The fire had already been located by Sunday morning, and the units were putting out individual outbreaks. Police said the damage was estimated at CZK 3.5 million. The causes of the fire will be investigated.