Article 66 of the Constitution can strip out the powers of the President if he is unable to hold office

Ondřej Deml, ČTK
  • TOP 09 Chair Markéta Pekarová Adamová believes that President Miloš Zeman and ANO chief Andrej Babiš will recognize that Together and PirSTAN have a majority
  • The SPOLU coalition will use Article 66 as an extreme solution only if Andrej Babiš causes a political crisis by attempting to form a government.

TOP 09 Chair Markéta Pekarová Adamová believes that President Miloš Zeman and ANO chief Andrej Babiš will recognize Together and PirSTAN’s majority and will allow a government to be formed with Petr Fiala at its head. If the president fails to act, she said, the last resort would be to strip him of his powers due to incapacity.

“The elections brought a lot of good news. We managed to defeat the ANO movement. The voters gave a majority to the democratic opposition, allowing us to form a stable government. I am also grateful for the result in Prague, where Together won over 40 percent. “I welcome the fact that the Communists are no longer in the Chamber of Deputies and that the Free Bloc, which spreads hateful rhetoric, will not be paid for with taxpayers’ money,” she said.

Commenting on the Pirates party issue, she underlined that there is no intention of putting them out of the coalition. “We certainly don’t want to force the Pirates out of government. We perceive them as a coalition, and we deal with them as a whole and count on them in the government. We need to make a change. “According to her, the first step will be a meeting on Wednesday to address the programmatic intersection, while personnel issues like the choice of ministers will come on the agenda afterward.

Markéta Pekarová Adamová suggested that Andrej Babiš won’t make the first attempt to form a government because he doesn’t want to cause a political crisis that will bring him to a dead end. But if this happens, as an extreme solution, SPOLU will not hesitate to use Article 66 of the Constitution.