Two thousand people protested against mandatory vaccination in Brno

Igor Zehl

A demonstration of about two thousand opponents of mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 passed through the center of Brno on Saturday. Police briefly stopped traffic along the route of the march and vainly called on participants to observe measures against the spread of the coronavirus.

Encouragements to disperse or to wear respiratory protection were drowned out by whistling and shouting from the demonstrators. Otherwise, the event passed without any incidents that had to be dealt with by the police.

The Chcípl pes movement began at 14:00 at Zelný trh, where several hundred people listened to the speeches. The turnout gradually grew, and at 15:00, when the march began, there were already about 1 000 people on the spot, according to Brno City Hall spokesperson Kateřina Dobešová.

Participation in the demonstration was even larger, estimated at around two thousand. People carried flags and banners questioning the government’s policy towards the coronavirus pandemic. They were chanting slogans like “Tečka was an ambush” and “We have had enough”.