They didn’t deliver the goods, and they don’t refund the money on time when you cancel the order. That’s how ...

The reconstruction of Prague’s Barrandov Bridge should begin in the first half of May this year. Adam Scheinherr, deputy mayor ...

Although the government initially announced the end of the requirement to show proof of COVID certificates on Wednesday, February 9, ...

Beer, Aperol, or mulled wine are enjoyed by 39% of men and a quarter of women while skiing. Surprisingly, the ...

Moneta Money Bank increased its net profit by 53 percent year on year to CZK 3.98 billion last year. The ...

The Czech National Bank (ČNB) raised its benchmark interest rate by 0.75 percentage points to 4.5 percent. This is the ...

One of the largest military convoys will pass through the Czech Republic in February and March. Some 1,800 troops and ...

The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) has dealt another heavy blow to the Justice Ministry’s measures restricting the operation of restaurants ...

The protest in front of the House of Commons against the adoption of the pandemic law is expected to continue ...

Martin Vondrášek, the current first deputy, will become the new police president. He will succeed Jan Švejdar, who resigned officially ...