After the first unofficial meeting of the future government of Prime Minister Petr Fiala (ODS), which took place on Tuesday, ...

The outgoing Prime Minister Andrej Babiš spoke at a joint press conference alongside new Prime Minister Petr Fiala. For once, ...

Andrej Babiš, the outgoing Prime Minister and head of ANO, has been questioned by journalists on a daily basis lately ...

The president stated that he has no intention of appointing one of the proposed candidates for new ministers, presented to ...

Politicians from the SPOLU and PirSTAN coalitions welcomed the Pirates’ decision to join the government. 82.1% of Pirates expressed support ...

On Tuesday, State Prosecutor Jaroslav Šaroch sent a request to the Chamber of Deputies for the extradition of the outgoing ...

On Saturday, President Miloš Zeman connected via video conference with Petr Fiala, the ODS chairman and  parliamentary majority candidate for ...

The leadership of the People’s Democrats and TOP 09 approved the coalition agreement and the program of the upcoming government ...

The new government that will be formed from the coalition of SPOLU (ODS, KDU-ČSL, and TOP 09) and PirSTAN is ...

The Upper Chamber refused to freeze politicians’ salaries on Wednesday, as the Chamber of Deputies majority proposed a few days ...