According to the organizers, if enough people “Circle a Woman” in this upcoming election, a fundamental political message will be ...

On Tuesday, deputies approved a freeze on politicians salaries until 2026   If the Senate does not support the proposal to ...

People in isolation or quarantine because of the coronavirus can vote at one of 82 drive-in stations starting Wednesday. Exactly ...

The Czech Minister of Justice, Marie Benešová, claims that the Pandora Papers linked to Prime Minister Andrej Babiš have the ...

The ANO movement would have won the elections to the Chamber of Deputies by 27.3 %. The second place would ...

On Monday morning, the Milion chvilek association prepared a happening called “Taken by ANO-FERTEM” in dozens of towns across the ...

The Czech Republic will provide CZK 75 million in humanitarian aid to Afghanistan. The government approved this at today’s meeting. ...

President Miloš Zeman has undergone a thorough medical examination at the Central Military Hospital. He is suffering from dehydration and ...

The prime ministers of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Austria are against illegal migration and do not want to repeat ...

The European Commission (EC) has warned that it could suspend subsidy payments if the Czech Republic does not control conflicts ...