Eight presidents, including Zeman, support Ukraine’s accession to the EU


On Monday, President Miloš Zeman and seven other heads of state backed Ukraine’s intention to join the European Union, saying EU member states should immediately allow Ukraine to be granted candidate status. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed the official application for EU membership.

“We firmly believe that Ukraine deserves the prospect of joining the EU,” reads the open letter published on Monday on the Prague Castle website.

The candidacy of Ukraine, which is resisting Russian invasion and efforts to take over the country, has been backed not only by President Miloš Zeman but also by his counterparts from Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia.

“We, therefore, call on EU member states to show maximum political support for Ukraine and to allow the EU institutions to take steps to grant Ukraine EU candidate status immediately and to start the process of accession negotiations,” the presidents said.

On Monday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky asked for accelerated admission to the European Union under a new particular procedure after another night of Russian attacks. “I am convinced that Ukraine deserves it and that it is possible,” said the Ukrainian President. Currently, Ukraine does not even have candidate status.

Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala (ODS) also supports Ukraine’s bid to join the EU, saying that it is necessary to show that Ukraine is welcome in the European Community of countries. “While I favor standard procedures, we are not in a standard situation now,” Fiala said.