Experts Agree That Two Vaccine Doses Are Insufficient. When Do We Need the Third Dose in Czechia?

Is there a need for a third dose of the coronavirus vaccine? Perhaps as early as autumn. In recent weeks, there has been an increasing amount of discussion regarding a new vaccination in the context of global mutations. 

Because of the delta variation, a third dose is being investigated in Israel. Two dosages, according to specialists, are insufficient for this mutation. In the Czech Republic, problems could occur for the elderly, who were the first to be vaccinated, and among the risk groups. 

A commercial promoting the coronavirus vaccination enticed, “All it takes is two doses, and life is restored.” However, there is growing speculation that two dosages will be insufficient. “I’m concerned about the seniors who had their flu shots in March. We’ll probably have to vaccinate these elderly in November to boost their immunity, “Vlastimil Válek, a doctor and MP, remarked (TOP 09). 

According to vaccinologist Daniel Dražan, at-risk categories of people are particularly vulnerable. “It’s possible that two dosages won’t be enough for them,” he stated. According to the Ministry of Health, data from international studies must be awaited. The Czech Republic, on the other hand, is preparing for vaccination. 

Vaccines against the mutation are less effective. 

The discussions about possible vaccination were also confirmed by Deputy Prime Minister Jan Hamáček (ČSSD). “What is being debated is the idea that vaccination will be required at some point, regardless of the sort of vaccine,” he stated. 

“The Pfizer vaccine has a 64 percent efficacy rate in preventing delta mutation. However, protection against a severe course and hospitalization remains strong-93 percent, according to the study “Arieh Kovler, a policy analyst, stated on Twitter. 

Antibodies or vaccines against the delta mutation are less effective, but sufficient, according to immunologist Václav Hořejší.  

There were 126 incidences of delta mutation in the Czech Republic at the end of last week. The delta mutation, as well as the novel lambda variety, which originated in Peru, are both concerning. Laboratories in the Czech Republic had already discovered the first incidence of this South American mutation by the end of June.