People Bypass Mandatory Quarantine After Holidays: They Avoid Czech Airports.

Travel from some popular tourist destinations is very complicated at this time. After visiting many countries, Czechs have to isolate themselves for a few days. Some people have run out of patience and are trying to circumvent the return rules – for example, by choosing to travel with foreign travel agencies to avoid Czech airports.

When returning from other countries, Czechs must meet specific conditions. The strictest rules apply to countries with a high risk of infection, including popular destinations such as Spain, Portugal, and Cyprus. 

In addition to completing an arrival form, people returning from these countries must undergo a PCR test between the fifth and fourteenth day after their return and remain in self-isolation until then.

However, some tourists try to circumvent this obligation. Czechs, according to travel agencies, fly out of German airports with local travel agencies for this reason. After returning across the border by car, quarantine is not necessary.

Czech travel agencies are suffering because of these rules. “It’s absurd, but it’s true. We warned Minister Vojtěch about it, but he was deaf and kept repeating over and over again that people were obliged to fill in the arrival form and the hygiene had everything under control. They would concentrate on Czech airports, ” Jan Papež, vice-chairman of the Association of Travel Agencies of the Czech Republic, underlined.