There are still over 400,000 seniors unprotected against covid

Over 416,000 seniors in the Czech Republic are still unprotected against covid-19 through vaccination or infection. Most of them are in the Moravian-Silesian Region. According to data from the Institute of Health Information and Statistics (IHIS), as of 25 September.

About 2,500 people over 60 were newly vaccinated in the Moravian-Silesian Region, but it still has the highest proportion of unvaccinated people of all regions. 18.8% of the elderly were not immunized.

Overall, about one in six people over 60 have not been vaccinated, leaving about 504 000. The Institute also counts about 88,000 people of this age who have already had the disease as more protected against infection and the severe course of covid-19.

In the autumn, they will be vulnerable

“The number of unprotected elderly people is thus gradually decreasing over time, but they are still a relatively important cohort that can easily be infected in the autumn months with the risk of severe disease,” said Ladislav Dušek, director of the Institute of Health Information and Statistics.

The number of municipalities with less than 50% vaccination coverage among the elderly is steadily declining. While a week ago there were 19 of them, as of Saturday there were 15 in different regions. “The problem with vaccinating senior groups is especially in tiny and geographically remote settlements,” Dušek added. The total population over 16 years of age shows the low vaccination coverage of small settlements in the Moravian regions.

According to the Institute of Health Information and Statistics, 56 percent of the 1.66 million people infected with the disease have already received at least one dose of the vaccine. The highest proportion of these people is in Vysočina (60 percent) and the lowest in the Moravian regions (52 to 53 percent).