“The perpetrator has just been apprehended in Vodičkova Street thanks to the use of the city’s CCTV system. I thank ...

Last year, a record number of carriers operated on Czech rails, while private ones continued to strengthen their position at ...

“Deputy Smolek handed over to the Russian ambassador a diplomatic note claiming the legal responsibility of the Russian Federation for ...

This year’s Summer Shakespeare Festival will begin with the premiere of “The Tempest”, directed by Martin Kukučka and Lukáš Trpišovský, ...

People who are waiting for a second dose can get it faster from 1 July if they want it. Prime ...

Pelikán stressed that over a thousand firefighters are now deployed in the area. There are also dozens of soldiers and ...

Nearly seven thousand fans will support the Czech national football team against the Netherlands in the stadium on Sunday’s European ...

In May, the failure rate for state graduation tests was lower than in previous years. Students taking the exams for ...

Coronavirus vaccinations began in the Czech Republic and most other EU nations on December 27th of last year. Prime Minister ...

After the storm on Thursday, more than 75,000 residences in the Czech Republic were without power. Southern Moravia is in ...