If you are looking for something to do over the weekend of 04. – 06.06.21, then we have a perfect ...

The planned Monday loosening of restrictions has been described as absurd by Culture Minister Lubomir Zaorálek (SSD). He criticizes the ...

Hundreds of churches, chapels, and houses of worship across the country will welcome guests to the Night of Churches this ...

According to Health Minister Adam Vojtech, the Czech Republic is about to undergo a major loosening. “We have agreed that ...

Today (Friday) , the government will discuss whether indoor restaurants will open before June 14. Indoor pools, spas, and saunas ...

Since mid-January this year, when a liter of Natural 95 cost less than CZK 28 and diesel cost roughly CZK ...

Documentary director Olga Sommerová will replace MP Dominik Feri in the Chamber of Deputies. He resigned after numerous women accused ...

Petr Arenberger, the Minister of Health, will resign today, according to Prime Minister Andrej Babis. Adam Vojtech will be the ...

Outdoor pools will be open from May 31st with a capacity of 50%. Besides in the swimming pools only the ...

According to Health Minister Petr Arenberger, people will be able to take two PCR tests for COVID-19 and four tests ...