Lidija Zavoralová testified in court about her living situation with billionaire Ales Zavoral, owner of the well-known Alza e-shop. She ...

Due to recent months’ coronavirus and uncontrolled circumstances, the Czech Republic has lost its reputation as a safe place among ...

The crisis hit Škoda is caused by a scarcity of semiconductors and raw components. Workers’ shifts are being canceled due ...

A few years ago, there were some highly appealing careers with above-average pay. On the other hand, the pandemic has ...

One of the most appealing displays at the Dvur Kralove Safari Park, a new lake with hippos, debuted on Friday ...

In response to the Supreme Administrative Court’s (SAC) decision, which reminded the government that coronavirus measures must be in accordance ...

According to Forbes magazine, Finance Minister Alena Schillerová (ANO) is still the most powerful woman in the Czech Republic. The ...

According to Chief Hygienist Pavla Svrčinová, inspections of restaurant guests’ gardens are constantly taking place. At a press conference on ...

The iconic Hollywood studio MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) will be purchased by Amazon, an American online retailer, for $ 8.4.4 billion (175.8 ...

If you are looking for something to do over the weekend of 04. – 06.06.21, then we have a perfect ...